miércoles, 16 de noviembre de 2022

Post 5: Time travel

Truly I don´t know if I would like to travel in the time, I have conflicting emotion, because I belive that back to the past would mean change the person that I´m and travel the future produce me fear, because I would´nt know that would find, also I would ruin the surprice about my future.

In this context, I believe that I don´t prefer neither, but if somebody force me to choose, I would travel to the past, because is something that not generate me to anxiety, since I would know the situation that I have lived and how ocurr the subsequent events. In addition to travel the future is very uncertain, because I know the situacion to stay, but I don´t how arrive there, if dislike me I don´t know what change in the past, and if like me, that I have to do for stay here? just thinking about it pain me the head.

If I back to the past in all likelihood is that change small things such as, wake up earlier the days that I´ve arrived later at the uniersity or seize the opportunitys that let go for I don´t know that achieve it, how to go at the Shaw Mendes concert, but never change something important, because that make us the person we are and budget not stay me here, only back at change these small details and why not, go back to live certain points happy or that I have enjoyed, after go back of my fact, not without first, taking a tour for 1800s, I think that the clothes they wore at that time were very pretty and if can steal a dyed one I would´nt be bothered. 

miércoles, 26 de octubre de 2022

Post: My bucket list

In this halloweens eve the topic of die is a vouge for all that this celebration means, is for this reason that I got to think, What things I would like do before of die? Personally I have a list with all these things and I would like to share with your.

1. Finish my career. I believe that is the hardest point, because currentlly I´m studying chemestry and pharmacy and I have not done as well as I should have, I failed several subjects, I´m not discouraged, but is the most important succes, due to graduate means dinner and with dinner I can accomplish with the rest of my dreams.

2. Travel the world. Ok pherhaps sound a little exaggerated but, travel at various countries such as Mexico, Japan, Thailand or Spanish is most important of me, I always wanted to know its natural landscape and its culture, although I have already traveled, it has only been in my country, outside there is still a world to know.

3. Finish to read the shadow hunter saga. this is one of my favorite book sagas that even continue in publication, so I can´t die until finish.

4. Secretly I would like to participate in a talent show, one my bigger hobby is sing and for this reason I wouldn´t want to die before to try at least one time.

5. Witnnes a total eclipse of sun. I believe that this is one of the most beautyful events of the world and I never got to see them, I want to live this experience with my mom, both us exited when see all dark even when it is daytime.

These are things I would most like to do. Do we agree on anything?

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2022

Post 4: Favorite TV show or serie

For me, it’s hard to choose a series that I would consider my favorite, because there not much where to choose from. Unlike with romance books, which are the ones that I enjoy. The kind of series that I like the most are those that present excellent character development, a good story without contradictions that is easy to comprehend. It also must have good pacing, since I get bored fast when I see the screen without doing anything else. For all these reasons, finding a good series is hard for me, however, the last year I finally found a series that matched with my expectations.

On December 12th 2021 a Thai series call "not me" premiered, which a lot of stir in social networks. The plot was normal, like classic soap operas, however, it had something different.

“Not me” tells us the history of two twins calls Black and White, who were separated at a young age, leading to them living very different lives, since White stayed with their father and Black with their mother. One night White receives the call from a childhood friend who tells him that his brother stayed in the hospital because someone close died. For this reason, White decides to swap places with Black and impersonate him to investigate who wants to kill him. It seems like a quite dramatic story, but it is not like that. The series is really a direct social criticism, because the brothers have very different ideals and social classes and when they change places, a child with a comfortable life replaces a revolutionary one. From this point on the series guides us in the discovery and change of mentality of this character, prompting us to debate on issues such as the abuse of power, the privileges of the wealthy class and even what is the appropriate way to peacefully protest.

It is an interesting and entertaining series, since all this social criticism never becomes dense, and it is very interesting how they connect it with the mystery of knowing who tried to kill the brother. Currently the same television house is broadcasting a series with very similar overtones called "The eclipse", it is certainly the next one that I will see during university recess.

miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2022

Post 3: Academic changes

I think that the career program is outdated, in the east of that the mesh demand request for study subjects somewhat crazy, is stupid that one course biology require course of pshysic, also all depend of all, for this reason, fail one course delay us too much. Other thinghs that bothers me is the schedule that impose on us for the exam, I understand that coodinate its study secretary but, which is the necesity of programer the exams out of schedule class, exist one hour scoop for this and in my personale case, I live far apart, this causes that I let home later, tired and unwillingly of study.

The infraestructure of the faculty is pleasant, I like that everything is small, because you can´t lost inside, the only change that I would make is put more dumps, The faculty hasn´t enough and it lazy to go throw the garbage.

The study method do not convince me, especially the seminars, It´s ok that an assistant to do,but is boring only seeing resolving the problems I think that should most interactive or that We resolve the problems with they guiding, We learn more about the topics and how resolve the exams if they so.

The final thing that change is the minimum percentage of attendance in the seminars, I think that is a lack of respect demand the 100% of attendance and acept few excuses by justify, someone can nod off and miss class, is something that it could happen to anyone and is unfair that this person must do the exam for this cause, I would change the percentage at 80 or 85%, like the school, leaving a margin of error for this type of situations.

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2022

Post 2: Concert

The most important day of my life was when I when to see Shakira in the national stadium. On october 31 that I remember very good,  have very incidents to walk to the concert, for this reason when I got enjoyed very much.

When I got to the concert there were many people, I had ticket for court, how I´m high I dont have  problem to see, but my mom can´t say the same. 

I remember that cryed when She came in the stage, since I could see her, She looked small for the distance, but I was very happy. Starting sing her songs most dancing and the atmosphere was cheerful, We all were dancing and singing her songs at choir and She sang the songs most sad I was imposibble to feel that I to stay in one karaoke, truly I didn´t want that this moment finished.

She sang dancing and switch her clothes for around two hours and at finish her show, She was launch firework, It was a great show, I believe that was a great comeback at country, taking into account that was the first time in the Chile after 20 years around and got to say I is the only artist wherein I not myself spend many money.

miércoles, 21 de septiembre de 2022

Post 1: A Country I would like to Visit

The country that I most want to visit is the Japan, because is a country that has many things that charm me, how its architecture and customs, also I hear that the language is not harder to learn.

If I have the chance to go, my first destiny will be the festival of the cherry three, my dream was always seeing, after visit a few temples, the architecture that having is most beautyful, also I want to buy mangas, I am a man that read a lot, so have books for a few time is not bad.

Truly I do not a clear idea of where to stay, Tokio is a best option but I hear that is hardly travel in subway, because the number of lines is amazing, for this reason I think that any moment the island will sink, Osaka is most turist so I think that might be expensive and Hiroshima or Nagasaki Is not good idea. Anyway, maybe I´m a bit fussy considering that I only want to travel for know, I not plans of the live in this country, is most labor exploited and sincerely work is something that really dislike and just to think in learn your languaje only to study It generates me lazy, consequently never I do.

Post 5: Time travel

Truly I don´t know if I would like to travel in the time, I have conflicting emotion, because I belive that back to the past would mean chan...